Empaths are drained and need to ground and protect themselves. True or false? I sometimes read posts of empathic people really struggling, feeling overwhelmed and overstimulated, asking how they can protect themselves. Imagine living your daily life easily frazzled, inundated with information. It can be A LOT. And then you get called “sensitive” (as if it were a bad thing) and think there is something wrong with you. Nope, this is NOT the vibe I like to create for myself. So let’s demystify this a bit and empower you. ↡↡↡ 3 Ways to Empower Yourself1) Your sensitivities are a gift you get to cultivate. It’s part of your mission here. Let it teach you. Know it is part of your power. 2) Instead of asking “how do I protect myself” try framing it as “how can I support myself?” Developing practices that empower you instead of emphasize that you are vulnerable can make a huge difference. 3) Change things! If something isn’t working for you, change it. Know that everything can rearrange to support you! Some examples for me: -Overhead lighting makes me ill so my office has soft, dim lighting -My morning practice is NONNEGOTIABLE, so I’ve made a life (yes you can choose it) where I have that time no matter what -I’ve tuned myself to tap more into high frequencies than low, so I don’t feel many “bad vibes” or have energy-sucking experiences like I used to ... How can you empower yourself with this? I’d love to know where you struggle so we can help you fly higher. Let me know in the comments and connect with me on IG.
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AuthorDr. Cailin O'Hara is a passionate intuitive healer, teacher, coach, and forever student of life here to translate her experiences into hope, wisdom and light. Archives
January 2023