To break patterns in your life, you only need a willingness.
We all want things to change for ourselves. We want things to get better, happier, to be more fulfilling, to feel more like how we imagine them to be. But pattern after pattern is holding the current paradigm in place. It can be sticky, like a tangle of threads that we’re trying to unknot. Have you ever tried untying tight knots? It’s a pain in the ass. I have a better idea...
Yes, let's talk about that.
I wrote this song back in 2016, recorded it in 2017, and just rediscovered it. I wrote it around the election. Remember that? It was SUCH a triggering time for so many. I found quotes from survivors and merged them with my own words to create it. I'm sharing it with you today because this is one of the primary focuses of my practice/medicine. I help survivors to integrate, heal, and feel whole again. |
AuthorDr. Cailin O'Hara is a passionate intuitive healer, teacher, coach, and forever student of life here to translate her experiences into hope, wisdom and light. Archives
January 2023