Working with Grief + Loss
Grief is hard and enduring. It has many faces.
The losses we experience in life can feel untimely, unfair, tragic, unacceptable, horrifying, rage-inducing, devastating.
Sometimes we grieve for a long time.
Sometimes we can't access our grief.
Sometimes it hits us like an earthquake after months of quiet.
Sometimes it changes how we see the world.
Sometimes it challenges every hope and belief we hold.
May these resources be of support to you as I have created them from my own understanding of grief and tragic loss.
I have held space for so many people through their experiences of unthinkable loss.
I have also done my best to hold space for myself in those times as well.
We can't escape loss but we can learn how to support ourselves and those we love through it.
The losses we experience in life can feel untimely, unfair, tragic, unacceptable, horrifying, rage-inducing, devastating.
Sometimes we grieve for a long time.
Sometimes we can't access our grief.
Sometimes it hits us like an earthquake after months of quiet.
Sometimes it changes how we see the world.
Sometimes it challenges every hope and belief we hold.
May these resources be of support to you as I have created them from my own understanding of grief and tragic loss.
I have held space for so many people through their experiences of unthinkable loss.
I have also done my best to hold space for myself in those times as well.
We can't escape loss but we can learn how to support ourselves and those we love through it.
If You're Grieving‣‣ Let's start here and break down aspects of grief and some ways you can help yourself. This video that follows may help.
‣‣ If you are in a grief process, seek help. You likely need it. I have worked with many patients through grief as it affects all aspects of your health- sleep, energy, digestion and so on. So be sure to get all the help you need. |
"Processing" Grief‣‣ How do you actually process grief? Well it IS a process and it takes on countless forms and variations. But there is no one way through it.
‣‣ It can hit like waves or recede into a darkness and not come again for years. It can hang on for decades. ‣‣ Practicing staying present to it, validating your emotions, honoring the timing of your process and acknowledging that you are, in fact, healing every step of the way is important. |
Acceptance‣‣ In everything I teach, I always come back to acceptance. In terms of grief, acceptance can be the most difficult part.
‣‣ How can you accept what has happened? How you can "make peace" with loss? Do you have to? ‣‣ For me, acceptance is about accepting the way YOU feel- accepting your pain, accepting your anger, your guilt, etc. All we are ever working with is our emotional response to what has happened- and tending to those emotions with the utmost care and validation is what we really need. For me, this book was very helpful. |
You Are Resilient‣‣ The power of your spirit to overcome is immeasurable.
‣‣ It may not feel like it now, but there is another side to the pain you feel. The way through is through and in that journey you can develop more strength, compassion and wisdom that you realize. ‣‣ I believe that we are all resilient, and that the worst of our pain and loss can open us to a more profound experience of life. My greatest hardships have helped me be the best version of me, even though going through them sucked terribly. |