Developing Your Intuition
This section will evolve over time as I create resources and guidance for you.
I live my life guided by my intuition. But that's not been an intuitive process!
I predicted engine failure in a plane when I was 11.
I was the go-to advice giver from a young age because I just "knew" things.
I've communed with "spirits" and been guided in miraculous ways.
I can "see" and sense health/emotional problems in patients' bodies.
I can "hear" people's thoughts.
I can "feel" people's emotions, intentions, and beliefs.
That kind of thing.
Intuition can be tricky to understand- it's often subtle but compelling. Elusive but obvious.
All information is always available, you just have to learn how to tap into it.
Finding ways to make space for it, to learn how to receive intuitive information, takes time and practice.
This is a newer module... I'll give you my best practices and tools as time goes on. ❤️
I live my life guided by my intuition. But that's not been an intuitive process!
I predicted engine failure in a plane when I was 11.
I was the go-to advice giver from a young age because I just "knew" things.
I've communed with "spirits" and been guided in miraculous ways.
I can "see" and sense health/emotional problems in patients' bodies.
I can "hear" people's thoughts.
I can "feel" people's emotions, intentions, and beliefs.
That kind of thing.
Intuition can be tricky to understand- it's often subtle but compelling. Elusive but obvious.
All information is always available, you just have to learn how to tap into it.
Finding ways to make space for it, to learn how to receive intuitive information, takes time and practice.
This is a newer module... I'll give you my best practices and tools as time goes on. ❤️
READ THIS: Lightworkers RISE, The Call is Here + Now
We All Receive Information Differently‣‣ We are all intuitive. We are all receiving all kinds of information on so many, many levels ALL THE TIME. It's up to us to sort through it and refine our focus.
‣‣ How you receive intuitive information is unique to you. I receive mine via feelings and visions. I can hear people's thoughts through a vibrational translation. I can see energetics in someone's body. But these are all things I've worked with for years, and will continue to, to cultivate. ‣‣ Make it your priority to learn how to translate and work with your intuitive insights. |
Learning How to Trust Yourself‣‣ I think learning how to work with our intuition is founded on developing self-trust. Trusting our gut feelings, trusting our initial impressions, and allow that to guide our lives.
‣‣ It can be hard to sort out- is this a trigger or fear or intuition? I think that's where healing comes in. As we understand our triggers and face our fears, so to speak, they become a lot more obvious to us so we can identify them. ‣‣ I can definitely tell you that there was never really a time in my life that I got a bad or off feeling about something and was wrong. If something feels wrong for you, IT IS WRONG. Trust that. |
Your Gift is not a Mistake
‣‣ If you have heightened senses, if you feel you have a gift, do know that it is not a mistake. You are meant to USE IT.
‣‣ No matter how we come into this world, it's not a mistake. There is beauty and magic and a synergy to it. We are meant to share our unique energy- not to hold back. ‣‣ We wind up hiding, stuffing ourselves away, nervous to be seen, reluctant to embrace all aspects of ourselves. But the world needs you as you are... and if you have an intuitive gift, cultivate it and share it. It's part of your purpose. |