The Art of Manifestation
I had been working with manifestation practices since around 2010 with some successes and quite a bit of frustration and desperation. A series of breakthroughs (finally!) changed that, though.
Those desperate, frustrated days are gone as I have learned SO much about what "creating your reality" really means.
Now I experience daily magic and miracles with my personal practice.
Let's dive in!
Those desperate, frustrated days are gone as I have learned SO much about what "creating your reality" really means.
Now I experience daily magic and miracles with my personal practice.
Let's dive in!
The Power of Belief‣‣ If you want to change (create) your life, you're going to have to work with your beliefs... and usually it's the deep, subconscious beliefs that really need your attention. They are informing your thoughts, decisions and actions constantly.
‣‣ If you don't believe that what you want is possible, then it's not. If you don't believe you deserve it, then it can't be yours. Instead, tapping into a sense of limitlessness, possibilities and opportunities is KEY when crafting the life you want. ‣‣Identifying and changing your beliefs is the heart of the practice. We often need help with this (seeing our own blocks), so get the support you need. |
Alignment ‣‣ Alignment means that you are connected with the truth of who you are...
‣‣ Alignment also means you aren't putting obstacles and road blocks in the way of you getting/having/being/doing what you want. Obstacles means: doubt, fear, worry, disbelief, toxic situations, etc. ‣‣ Alignment is a DAILY, minute-to-minute practice. "Am I being true to myself? Am I believing in myself? Do I believe I'm worthy of what I want? Do I believe I can have what I want?" The answers to these questions reveal how in sync you are with what you want (and thus, how likely it is to arrive). |
Breaking from Conditional Living‣‣ As long as you are hinged on needing things external to you to be a certain way in order for you to be happy, you are lost. You're going to be dragged around in emotional turbulence and wind up feeling empty each time the bumpy ride ends.
‣‣ One of the trickier practices is finding ways of experiencing INTERNAL states of joy, happiness and satisfaction WITHOUT needing someone/something else to provide it for you. ‣‣ When you can break away from your conditional living, you are free... and that's when it gets really good (and you discover true happiness). |
Creating Your Reality‣‣ You are creating your reality 100% of the time. It's really a "co-creative" process as it is unfolding in connection with everyone and everything else. We are, after all, one.
‣‣ You "create" based on your beliefs and feelings (which generate your decisions, actions and expectations). For example: if you believe you get to have X, then you feel good about X, and you decide X is possible; so, you act in ways X gets to come into your life and fully expect X to show up. ‣‣ I think it's really important that we create what honors us, our worth, our gifts and our highest good. I believe that we get to live our best dreams out in real time. You have the power to create that reality, but it's up to you to tap into that power. |
Less "Doing," More Allowing‣‣ Do you try really hard? Are you exhausted? Do you work to prevent things from falling apart? Are you forcing things, trying to make things work, burning yourself out?
‣‣ Manifesting is really about allowing more than "doing." It doesn't mean you sit around doing nothing and waiting, though. It means that you're really clear about what you put your energy into and HOW YOU FEEL when you're expending your energy. ‣‣ Have you noticed that the best things in life came in unexpectedly, in ways you couldn't imagine, and it blows your mind? That's the point here. All the good gets to come in but it's not by you forcing it. |