Who this is for...
"Dr. Cailin was life changing. As a busy entrepreneur and CEO, working with her helped me create my dream team and dream work schedule, figure out the triggers that were holding me back and helped me become more confident in myself. She is insanely welcoming, supportive and easy to work with. You will see INCREDIBLE results working with her. You will become a better, more balanced, free version of yourself."
Goals and outcomes: create much more time for herself while growing and fostering an amazing team to support her booming company |
"I can’t say enough good things about Cailin and her approach to coaching and healing. She has such vast knowledge of business and entrepreneurship and is so good at combining elements from a number of perspectives, methods and healing approaches. I loved the 24/7 support of being able to hash out anything that came up. Her insights were so helpful in shifting my beliefs and actions. It was crazy to see the transition from completely relying on Cailin for “answers” in the beginning, to being able to work through them myself. Despite being thousands of miles apart it felt like she was right there, holding my hand. I never wanted the program to end!"
Goals and outcomes: improve confidence in her incredible skill sets and grow her new practice |
"Dr. Cailin is a magical person. I have yet to meet another person like her in my life. She embodies limitlessness. Spending time with her and in her energy helps you to know without a doubt that anything and everything is possible. I felt so seen, heard, and validated through every step of the process. We blew through all of my goals within the first half of the coaching program and moved on to bigger and better things that I didn't even think were possible. I am forever changed, and I couldn't go back to the way I was if I wanted to. She showed me how to walk the path on my own - encouraging me to think outside of the box and then outside of THAT box, tapping into the ways that I authentically connect to Divine Guidance, and helping me build my own relationship with Life so I now feel confident that I can move forward and take my life to new heights. She is an absolute treasure and the world is a better place with her in it. "
Goals and outcomes: work with ideal clients in a business she loves, increase revenue, be her authentic self as a practitioner |
"I think back to the beginning of coaching and I realize that I didn't even have a clue what we were even going to get into. I thought I knew what I needed -- growth help -- but didn't realize we couldn't accomplish that without addressing underlying issues (not coming from a place of panic). I absolutely enjoyed and valued my time spent in business coaching with Dr. Cailin. Her intuitive nature guided me to real change at the root level, as opposed to just fixing superficial items on my business to help it look better in the moment. I feel like I'm set up for success for years to come. I also saw significant changes to my ownership and leadership style, contributing to a cultural change throughout the business. (In regard to this style of coaching)... do you want to (just) work on your business, or do you want to change your life?"
Goals and outcomes: work less while setting very clear work boundaries, take care of herself as her #1 priority, position the company to grow significantly without her having to do it all |
"I'm so incredibly grateful for the safe, supportive, non-judgmental space that Dr. Cailin created in our work together....it allowed me to awaken to many truths inside of myself and it helped me develop the confidence I needed to take action. The support was always there when I needed it and usually it was exactly what I needed to hear to take the next step or shift out of fear or overwhelm. What a gift! Usually it's these things that hold us back from making significant change. So, having someone like her by my side through it all made all the difference."
Goals and outcomes: launch new holistic nutrition business, develop branding and website, create services and pricing, clarify niche |
"I feel like I’ve healed in ways I truly cannot describe. My process was mostly self-discovery. I had a lot of things that needed to be unstuck, and she helped me look at them in a more energetic way. Reframing the way I looked at things is by far the biggest breakthrough. Working with Cailin is truly life changing in ways that I cannot describe. The energetic shift that I experienced was intense, effective, and worth it. I feel more confident in my goals. It’s like Cailin imparts her wisdom into your soul and you change completely. It’s absolutely amazing."
Goals and outcomes: clarity for streamlining multiple business and career ventures, redirect energy and focus into most worthwhile direction/projects, retiring from a business and hiring/training her replacement |
Goals and outcomes: clarity on services and direction, streamlining business systems, money mindset and scalable offers
"Cailin is PHENOMENAL! Working with her helped me gain clarity- not only was she a consistent soundboard, she also moved and flowed with me to help me build structure in ways that worked for me.
Her coaching is less about adding to-dos to get into a next phase and more about helping you hone in on your WHY and YOUR PROCESS to get there. She does this by asking you what you really want, getting super focused on it, and affirming you so you can feel safe and worthy to receive it. |
She helped me build my confidence so that I could move forward with certainty for my clients. She helped me see the capabilities I already have, the insights and resources to do so and now I get to SOAR.
This is NOT about getting to a certain revenue or number of bookings... this is about channeling the magical energy moving through you as you work, to trust yourself to hold it, so you can then put that into all you do. FROM THERE, the clients, the money and the process will come." |
Live virtual sessions
Organized post-session plans
Voxer support (for some plans)